Free School Meals
Did you know that for every child and young person aged 4 to 16 who claims for Free School Meals, your school gains an extra £1,300 next year in Pupil Premium?
As well as the benefits of eating a nutritious meal, a recent study found that in primary schools where every child was offered a free school meal an average increase in attainment of about two months was made. However, by claiming Free School Meals the child does not have to eat it. They could still bring a packed lunch. The claiming of the Free School meals triggers the subsidy and £1,300 would still come into the school.
This money could go towards supporting individual vulnerable children, out of school activities such as free holiday places, in school activities such as free places at breakfast clubs, sessions with a play therapist, sessions with an art therapist, learning a musical instrument, employing an extra teacher, employing a learning mentor - the possibilities are endless!
Children on free school meals also receive free milk every day.
Who can apply?
Parents or carers can apply for Free School Meals if they are in receipt of any of the following benefits:
- Income Support
- Job Seekers Allowance (Income Based)
- Employment Support Allowance (Income Related)
- Child Tax Credit, provided your annual income as assessed by HMRC does not exceed £16,190 (please note that if you receive Working Tax Credit you will not be entitled unless in receipt of a four week run on)
- The guarantee element of State Pension Credit
You can also claim if:
- you receive support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999.
To find more information, go to
To apply for Free School Meals, please go to the following website: