Christian Distinctiveness
Christian Distinctiveness
Our Christian distinctiveness is embodied in the vision for our school:
Deeply rooted, flourishing together, reaching great heights
As a Church school, our vision is drawn from the great wisdom within the Christian faith. We have chosen this quote from Psalm 1.3 as we feel it shows our hope and ambition for our school:
‘Like a tree firmly planted by streams of living water’
Our school badge is a tree, and we offer children secure roots and nurture in order for them to reach great heights. Following the Church of England Vision for Education (2016) we seek to offer children a glimpse of life 'in all its fullness'. Education is about the whole person - giving children experiences that will allow them to develop ability to reflect on themselves, others, the world, and the transcendent.
We recognise that children and families at Horfield come from a wide range of faiths and worldviews. We seek to be open to all, and offer a wide welcome to everyone who comes here.
The vision is central to everything we do at Horfield – we consider it as the basis for any decisions or plans we make.
Through our very close links with Horfield Parish Church we have developed a range of special services and weekly themes that explore the Christian story, as well as celebrating other faiths or important national days. Through our values (add hyperlink) we explore habits and practices rooted in Christianity, but open to those of all faiths or none.
To explain more about what being a Church school means, staff with a group of parents and governors have developed a guide'. This informs you about how we live out being a Church school and some of the activities that go on to support this. Please read and get in touch if you would like any more information.