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Sport Funding



Horfield School is using this additional funding to build sustainability in PE and Sport within the school. This includes staff training for EYFS and KS1 staff working alongside our PE specialist.

Income: November, 2019: £11,404                                     May, 2019  £8,162

Receipts forward from 2018/19 - £8,157

Total allocation: £27,723


Expenditure for PE from April 2019


PE Coach for Years R to Year 3  - 4 afternoons per week


Estimate for before and after school clubs & attending matches and tournaments


Purchase of new sports equipment


Training (estimate)


Shine at lunchtime


NW24 Partnership (Sports Extravaganza)


Total expenditure for the year ending March 2020



The School Leadership Team and Governing Body monitor the impact of all spending and interventions, including the Sport Grant.

We received sponsorship for both our boys and girls' new football strips.

Our projected expenditure for April 2020 to March 2021 is £26,457.79.


For more information on what we do at Horfield with PE and sport, please go to our Curriculum page and have a read of "Physical Education including swimming".


